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Polish Text Translation. Polish Translations.

Translation Office Medelin.org

Offers: Professional Polish texts translation & Documents translation & Web pages translation.

You need a translation?
Send file with text (as an attachment) on our email address, we guarantee fast valuation.

Currently we translate to the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian.

Translating: Fast, Complex, Precise.
  • Fast - as there is a possibility to commission a translation during 24 hours 7 days a week and sharing larger parts of one text among a few translators.
  • Complex - as the resultant text form corresponds to the original, irrespective of the document's format, chart or picture.
  • Precise -as we practically cooperate with specialists from any discipline, and we do not hesitate to ask questions when there is a doubt.
text translations
Polish Translation from 30 zl for 1800 characters (one page) !
Attractive discounts when considering translation above 50 pages !
Individual rates and conditions for long-standing Customers !

PROMOTION ! Technical translation We perform fast and professionally translation of source code of any type, in any format. We locate software translating directly the code (html, xml, cvs, php, javascript, data bases dump etc). more...

Polish Text Translations - Translation Office Medelin.org

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